Esthetic dental restorations , high quality resins.
The esthetic dental restorations must avoid amalgam or resin made with black, for this purpose are used high quality resins to provide a good aesthetic to the tooth that is being restructured, it is considered that this treatment is a bit complicated, but it has consequences.
This is an aesthetic work, however, has to do with teeth that have been damaged and they want to return its functionality and while pleasing appearance returns, offering the possibility to not notice that the tooth is built a different material naturally.
Certainly for performing aesthetic dental restorations first thing to do is remove the dentist at all decayed material, clean the affected area, and then fill the void with restorative material is of good quality and close spaces avoid bacteria.
The closing of the gaps with good material, prevent cavities formed again within the tooth being treated, these materials can be gold, amalgam or others who are of good quality, however, the outside should be covered with a high quality resin to preserve the aesthetics of the teeth.
Although high quality resin is resistant, more than anything else, is used in order to maintain the aesthetics or natural tooth condition being treated, this is the role of the aesthetic dental restorations.