(506) 2770-93-02 San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón
Clínica Dental Alfa


Clínica Dental Alfa

Dental Surgeries

  • Mujer sonriendo
  • Cirugía dental

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  • Dental surgeries looking for oral health.

    Dental surgery is one of the most important specializations in dentistry, dental surgeries are performed to solve problems, diseases, abnormalities, injuries to the teeth, maxillofacial problems and other oral problems. Dental procedures should be performed with sufficient planning, through examinations and radiographs.

    Through dental surgery is the treatment and rehabilitation of dental and facial pathology, as well as cervical structures related to the previous two. The surgeon also to ensure oral health, cosmetic dentistry provides good people so they can have the desired smile.

    An example of when a person needs dental surgery, is when one of the two parts of the jaw begins to grow more than the other, before surgery can be tested with braces or other techniques, if these are not sufficient to be act to locate the part undergoes a disproportion healthy position.

    The less opening for dental surgeries under the care will be taken into the postoperative period. In the gums and mouth generally benign tumors can occur that must be treated promptly to avoid complications through surgery.

    Prepotésicas surgeries are performed to remove excess gum or jawbone to adapt or adjust other new prostheses which have previously. Here are some oral surgery there, all help to make patients feel good and look the same way.